We have a few house rules just to make sure the park is always kept to its best for everyone.

1) Vehicles

i. All cars and other motor vehicles on the site must be fully taxed and insured
ii. The Park speed limit is 5mph
iii. No parking on the grass at any time.
iv. No cars are to be washed on the grass
v. No motorised buggies, carts, scooters or other motorised vehicles of any kind on park, other than mobility scooters for disabled persons

2) Animals

i. Dogs to be kept on suitable restraints at all times. Any fouling to be picked up by dog owner immediately
ii. No children to take dogs for exercise on the Park
iii. All pets allowed on the Park is entirely at Eastland Meadows Country park discretion. Will ban any animal behaving aggressively or causing a disturbance with immediate effect. Eastland Meadows country park may terminate permission for any animal to be on the park at any time without giving any reason.

3) Use of Park

i. No washing to be hung outside caravans other than on rotary clothes lines to be taken down when not in use and in any event at night. No washing machines or tumble dryers in caravans out side only.
ii. No digging of borders around caravans nor cultivation of gardens. Removable potted plants can be placed around caravans at Eastland Meadows discretion provided they do not cause an obstruction.
iii No erection of sheds, storage boxes, verandas or any other structure beyond the plot base without Eastland Meadows agreement in writing.
iv. Any wind breaks must leave at least 1 metre from the next caravan for access and must be removed every evening and at once if required by Eastland Meadows.
v. No tents, awnings, or other temporary structures outside caravans without Eastland
Meadows written agreement.

4) Behaviour on Site

i. No firearms, catapults, or other offensive weapons are permitted on the Park
ii. No illegal drugs or legal high equivalents to be stored or used on the Park
iii. No intimidating or aggressive behaviour, words or conduct or behaviour likely to cause a breach of the peace or cause harassment, alarm or distress to other Park users or employees of EastLand Meadows Country Park.

5) Your Obligation

i. To pay annual pitch fees promptly and in accordance with our pitch fee payment plan.
ii. To ensure the caravan to its full value with an approved static caravan insurer and to provide us with a copy of the insurance certificate each year.
iii. To pay electricity bills promptly in accordance with our terms. We reserve the right to terminate electricity supplies without notice if you do not comply with our terms of payment and charge fees for disconnection and reconnection.
iv. To keep the caravan in a good state of repair, keep the area around the caravan tidy at all times.
v. To use the caravan only as holiday accommodation
a) The caravan owner will use his/her caravan at Eastland Meadows for holiday and use only and will not use or allow it to be occupied as a sole or main residence or in any manner which might make it appear that it is being used as such.
b) The caravan should not be used as a postal address for any person.
c) The caravan shall not be used as an address for registering , claiming or receiving any state benefits.
d) The caravan should not be occupied in any manner which may cause occupation to be or become a protected tenancy within the meaning of the Rent Acts 1968 and 1974.
e) Not to construct any structure such as a veranda, shed, or fence or plant any garden without our permission.
f) To ensure that you and any family, friends or guests comply with the site rules.
g) All gas bottles will need to be purchased at the park office.

6) Health & Safety

i. Caravan owners and their guests must read the fire risk and procedure in case of fire
ii. Caravan owners and their guests will not tamper with electric boxes outside caravans

7) Supervision of grandchildren Children etc

i. Under 8s should be supervised at all times and older children should not be left on the Park unaccompanied by an adult
ii. Children should not climb on the trees or damage the flower beds in the Park
iii. Children must be supervised at all times on the play equipment

8) Compliance with Park Rules

i. The Caravan owner agrees to provide new documentation if he or she changes main residence with 14 days of doing so.
ii. The parties agree that all communications be sent to the main residence for the Caravan Owner and that any document sent by EastLand Meadows to the caravans owners last notified main residence by first class post will be deemed to be received by the caravan owner two working days after posting.
iii. The parties agree that the caravan owner will not attempt to receive postal deliveries at the caravan or the park office and Eastland Meadows will not accept or allow such.



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